번호 |
이름 |
풀이 |
키워드 |
0 |
Hello Ethernaut |
https://piatoss3612.tistory.com/88 |
1 |
Fallback |
https://piatoss3612.tistory.com/89 |
fallback |
2 |
Fallout |
https://piatoss3612.tistory.com/90 |
compiler version, constructor |
3 |
CoinFlip |
https://piatoss3612.tistory.com/91 |
block.number, pseudo-randomness |
4 |
Telephone |
https://piatoss3612.tistory.com/93 |
tx.origin authentication |
5 |
Token |
https://piatoss3612.tistory.com/98 |
compiler version, arithmetic overflow |
6 |
Delegation |
https://piatoss3612.tistory.com/99 |
delegatecall, function selector, storage layout |
7 |
Force |
https://piatoss3612.tistory.com/100 |
selfdestruct |
8 |
Vault |
https://piatoss3612.tistory.com/102 |
private variables, block explorer |
9 |
King |
https://piatoss3612.tistory.com/104 |
fallback, Denial of Service |
10 |
Re-entrancy |
https://piatoss3612.tistory.com/106 |
re-entrancy attack, checkes-effects-interactions |
11 |
Elevator |
https://piatoss3612.tistory.com/107 |
interface, state mutability |
12 |
Privacy |
https://piatoss3612.tistory.com/108 |
storage layout, block explorer |
13 |
Gatekeeper One |
https://piatoss3612.tistory.com/109 |
tx.origin, type casting, brute force |
14 |
Gatekeeper Two |
https://piatoss3612.tistory.com/111 |
tx.origin, extcodesize, bitwise operation |
15 |
Naught Coin |
https://piatoss3612.tistory.com/112 |
approve, transferFrom |
16 |
Preservation |
https://piatoss3612.tistory.com/113 |
delegatecall, storage layout |
17 |
Recovery |
https://piatoss3612.tistory.com/114 |
compute contract address, block explorer |
18 |
Magic Number |
https://piatoss3612.tistory.com/131 |
creation bytecode |
19 |
Alien Codex |
https://piatoss3612.tistory.com/115 |
dynamic array storage slot |
20 |
Denial |
https://piatoss3612.tistory.com/116 |
denial of service |
21 |
Shop |
https://piatoss3612.tistory.com/117 |
view and pure functions |
22 |
Dex |
https://piatoss3612.tistory.com/121 |
price manipulation |
23 |
Dex Two |
https://piatoss3612.tistory.com/122 |
price manipulation |
24 |
Puzzle Wallet |
https://piatoss3612.tistory.com/141 |
ERC-1967, transparent upgradeable, storage layout |
25 |
Motorbike |
https://piatoss3612.tistory.com/138 |
ERC-1967, UUPS upgradeable, intializable |
26 |
DoubleEntryPoint |
https://piatoss3612.tistory.com/140 |
interface, hooks |
27 |
Good Samaritan |
https://piatoss3612.tistory.com/123 |
try-catch, interface, custom error |
28 |
Gatekeeper Three |
https://piatoss3612.tistory.com/124 |
constructor, block.timestamp, tx.origin, fallback |
29 |
Switch |
https://piatoss3612.tistory.com/127 |
calldata, abi encoding |
30 |
HigherOrder |
https://piatoss3612.tistory.com/175 |
calldata, higher-order bytes |
31 |
Stake |
https://piatoss3612.tistory.com/169 |
check return value of external call |
32 |
Impersonator |
https://piatoss3612.tistory.com/195 |
ecrecover, signature malleability |